Thursday, September 27, 2007

BLOGGING TIPS - The Ultimate Blogging Tips (Part 7)


The Ultimate Blogging Tips, continues here...

31. Participate In Discussion Board
By following this tips, you can actually increase traffic to your blog, lots of it. How? Very easy. There are a lot of blog discussion board all around, just like the one you can find in BlogCatalog. What you can do is then you can take part in these discussion board. Many bloggers will do the same in here. Some of them offering to review your blogs, and some of them offer to visit and leave good comments on your blog. There are a lots. You can also find your solution about blogging problems in the discussion board. But the most interesting post you can find in a discussion board is the kind that exchanges 'favorite' in Technorati, or Stumble Upon, and Digg. This way, you can get more traffic. Just like Stumble Upon, you can join the discussion board that exchanges Stumble upon. What I mean here is that you will need to stumble other people's blogs and they will stumble yours. The same for Technorati, you exchange 'faves' with other bloggers. They 'fave' you and you 'fave' them back. You can check this out. Even I myself are joining these type of board discussion.

32. Why Do You Blog?
Yes, before you can blog, ask yourself this question, why do you blog? Why am I stressing this, because the reason for you to blog is a very important point if you want to be a successful blogger. Like most of my posts here, I will focus on the mindset before going into the technical part. So you will need to know the reason why you blog, then only you can concentrate on your blogging area. Some people blog for profit, they want to make more money with their blogs. Some people blog just to get well-known, they want people to know them, they want fame. Some people blog because of love, they blog for their lovers. And the worst, blog for nothing. Some people blog without having clear reason why they blog. And they will give up very quick once they get tired and got nothing to blog about. This mustn't happen to you. That is why you will need to know what is the reason for you to blog. When you know why, nothing can ever stops you. When there is a will, there is a way. So by now I hope that you know why you blog. If not, please, find your reason now!

33. Multiple Streams Of Income
I like this phrase, Multiple Streams of Income. This tips is very important especially for those who wanted to make more money from their blog. Like the title, multiple streams of income, what you can do with your blog is to apply more money making machines into your blog. Of course, don't over apply, because it will make your blog becomes an advertising site. Which will kills your blog and bring it down. I know that many people wanted to make more money with their blogs, but sometimes it is depends on your blog's age and other factors. If your blog is still young and got only a few posts, the best is you keep focusing in building up your blog first, then only try to implement all the money making machines to your blog. You can insert Adsense to your blog, affiliate programs, advertising for others, networking programs, auction ads, and many more. Always put use more types of money making machines to multiple your incomes. Since you are going to drive traffic to your blog, why choosing either to use PPC or affiliate to make money? Use both!

34. Always Reply Your Readers Comment
This is a very common tips. I believe that you know about this, and you've heard it many times. But still I wanted to tell you about it. Although it is common, but it is also important and it is the basic of blogging tips. Everyone when somebody leave a comment in your blog, visit their blog back and leave a quality comment in their blog. Your readers will appreciate this very much. And if you have the time, visit their blog once in a while. This way, you can create a better relationship with your readers. This will improve your readership of your blog as well. If you don't have any comments, then leave some in people's blogs, they will reply you. The golden rule of life, "Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you". So if you want comments, leave comments on others blog. And if you want to make more money, make other people rich, and money will flow to you. Very true. (You can read How To Increase Your Readership on my blog as well.)

35. Track Your Link And Reply
This is another good tips. What will you do when people link to you? Most of us only visit back their site, and leave a comment most probably. And for most people, they don't even know how to track their links. You can track your link easily using Technorati. The Technorati "authority" is the links that pointed to your blog from other sites. The more links you have, the better, your blog will get rank higher in search engine. So once you've got new links, what you can do is to email to the author of the site which link to you, and thank them personally. This is always much better than visiting their site and leave comments to them. Email works more personally, and hence you will have better appreciation from those who linked to you. So now you know how to treat your blog's reader and what you should do when people link to you. Actually, you can also link back to those sites which links to you as well. This will encourage reciprocal linking of your site.

So here are all the tips for now. To your success.

If you miss out some of the tips, you can always read them here:

The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 1
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 2
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 3
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 4
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 5
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 6
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 7 (You're reading it)
The Ultimate Blogging Tips - Part 8
Source: The Millionaire Secret

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